30 December 2018

Sharing Photos on Flickr

Flickr is a popular image hosting website for international users to share and embed personal photographs, and a successful online community. Its service is widely used by both amateur and professional photographers as well as photo researchers in order to host images that they embed in blogs, websites and social media. Flickr has a total of almost 100 million registered users who share about one million photos every day. Photos can be accessed from Flickr without the need to register an account but an account must be made to upload content onto their website. I’m an active member of the Flickr online community: Matt Hahnewald - Facing the World.

Until the 31st of December 2018, as shown below, the following Top Ten of my more than 2,000 uploaded international portrait photographs were rated on Flickr as the most interesting ones, according to the views, faves and comments from all my Flickr friends and followers (and Flickr's interestingness algorithm):

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; real; basic; life; head; face; eyes; catchlights; children eyes; oriental eyes; epicanthic fold; expression; looking at camera; story; baby sling; cap; woollen cap; consent; rapport; parental consent; concept; humanity; culture; tradition; custom; lifestyle; upbringing; anthropology; natural; minority; hill tribe; traditional; cultural; bac ha; northern; vietnam; asia; southeast; asian; hmong; vietnamese; one person; male; child; baby; childhood; boy; natural frame; image; photo; detail; nikon d3100; nikkor afs 50mm f1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full face view; sideways glance; pink; outdoor; color; posing; cute; authentic; curiosity; experience; encounter; future

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; photography; photo; image; psychological; amazing; spectacular; dynamic; lively; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4x3; horizontal format; street; portraiture; double portrait; half-length portrait; closeup; full-face view; yellow, red; outdoor; color; colorful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; forehead; human face; makeup; painted face; face painting; third eye; sacred ash; vibhuti; urdhva pundra; human eyes; facial expression; lived in face; wrinkles; eye contact; full beard; long hair; sadhu; headwrap; prayer shawl; body language; gesture; blessing; raised right hand; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; relationship; travel portrait; hinduism; vaishnavism; durbar square; kathmandu; nepal; two people; male; old man; posing; awesome; beggar; red; yellow

people; Chinese people; Chinese man; portrait; street portrait; headshot; South China; Guangxi province; Xingping; old man; Chinese beard; Li river; old fisherman; close up

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; forehead; dark; complexion; skin tone; eyes; catchlights; sunglasses; sunnies; shades; mirrored; reflexion; mirror; expression; looking camera; short; short beard; full beard; body language; pose; right; hand; fingers; sunglasses on forehead; consent; rapport; fun; concept; humanity; living; lifestyle; fashion; style; roadside; bundi; rajasthan; india; indian; asia; asian; individual; one person; male; young; man; hairstyle; photography; photo; detail; natural frame; background; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1,200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; half length; closeup; seven eighths view; outdoor; color; posing; smiling mouth closed; handsome

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; head; eyes; children eyes; epicanthic fold; looking at camera; story; embroidery; baby sling; knitted cap; woollen cap; parental consent; concept; humanity; travel; culture; tradition; custom; upbringing; anthropology; exotic; ethnic; tribal; minority; native; indigenous; hill tribe; rural; traditional; cultural; folklore; bac ha; lao cai; northern; vietnam; asia; hmong; vietnamese; asian; individual; one person; male; child; baby; childhood; boy; image; photo; detail; nikon d3100; nikkor afs 50mm f1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; seven eighths view; sideways glance; pink; outdoor; color; colorful; cute; authentic; peeking

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; physiognomy; psychological; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; magnificent; interesting; vibrant; brilliant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; full-face view; outdoor; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; painted forehead; tilaka; third eye; vibhuti; sacred ash; human eyes; deep-set eyes; squinting; facial expression; eye contact; full beard; headgear; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; environmental portrait; travel portrait; Hinduism; sadhu; tradition; temple; Pashupatinath; Kathmandu; Nepal; old man; posing; authentic; smiling; smizing; awesome

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; face perception; physiognomy; psychological; favourite; superior; excellent; interesting; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; full-face view; outdoor; colour; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; full beard; Muslim beard; Islamic skull cap; taqiyah; prayer cap; consent; empathy; rapport; encounter; ethnic portrait; Islam; tradition; Hyderabad; Telangana; India; Indian; one person; male; elderly man; posing; authentic; smiling; amiable; friendly; soulful; relaxed

people; closeup; street portrait; headshot; Nepal; Kathmandu; sadhu; Hinduism; holy man; religious ascetic; yogī; mokṣa; double V sign

people; Muslim girl; street portrait; headshot; Indonesia; Sumatra; Medan; beauty; hijab; puckering lips; air kiss

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; face perception; physiognomy; psychological; amazing; spectacular; favourite; interesting; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; seven-eighths view; white; outdoor; colour; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; human eyes; bad eyesight; mouth; toothless; facial expression; lived-in face; wrinkles; eye contact; unshaved; stubbly; stubbly beard; white turban; earrings; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; travel; travel portrait; tribal; Rabari man; old man; Indian man; scheduled tribe; villager; tradition; Adalaj; Gujarat; Western India; one person; male; posing; authentic; frail

Today is December 30, 2018. This is the final blog entry in my photo blog on Blogger/Blogspot. It will be replaced by my regularly updated Flickr account: Matt Hahnewald - Facing the World. Thank you for following, until now and from now on.

Today is January 15, 2025. I have retired from photography. It was a good time. Thank you to everyone who has been interested in my portraits.
I am no longer actively managing the above-mentioned Flickr account Matt Hahnewald - Facing the World.

10 December 2018

Romancing Colourful Indian Gypsies

The Indian Banjara gypsies aka Gor, Lamans, Lambadi, Lambhani, Lambani and/or Gormati are a community of nomadic people who originate from the Marwar region of Rajasthan. They have spread gradually into Karnataka and Kashmir and are now found all over India.

The Banjara people’s culture and art form a significant aspect of their identity and include rangoli, embroidery and tattooing. The women specialize in lepo embroidery, which involves stitching pieces of mirror, decorative beads and coins onto their bright and colourful cotton attire. Their headscarves are also embroidered decoratively. Banjara women wear many heavy, often white, bangles aka bandiya on their arms. Their jewelry consists of nose rings, necklaces, beads, silver rings and hair clips which are often mistaken for large earrings when they are in fact tied to the woman’s plaited hair.

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50 mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; portraiture; street portrait; headshot; en face; front view; outdoor; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; mouth; traditional garment; shawl over head; facial expression; tattoo; nose ring; necklace; tribal woman; tribal garment; silver coins; smiling; Lambani; Banjara; consent; empathy; rapport; encounter; emotion; attitude; environmental portrait; ethnic portrait; travel portrait; travel destination; Benaulim; Goa; tradition; Indian woman; one person; female; old woman; adult; eye contact; posing; beautiful; incredible; exotic; happy; friendly

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; frame; educational; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; favourite; interesting; brilliant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; full-face view; outdoor; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; bindi; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; hair; traditional garment; headscarf; dupatta; headcovering; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; tribal portrait; travel portrait; tribal; Banjara; Benaulim; Goa; India; one person; female; old woman; posing; authentic; grinning; smiling; incredible; exotic; awesome; Indian woman; shawl over head; Indian gypsy; brass accessories; nose jewelry; nose ring

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; frame; educational; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; excellent; interesting; brilliant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; full-face view; outdoor; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; bindi; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; hair; traditional garment; headscarf; dupatta; headcovering; body language; gesture; left hand; hand-under-chin gesture; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; tribal portrait; travel portrait; tribal; Banjara; Benaulim; Goa; India; one person; female; old woman; posing; authentic; smiling; incredible; exotic; awesome; Indian woman; shawl over head; Indian gypsy; nose jewelry

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; frame; educational; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; superior; excellent; interesting; brilliant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; seven-eighths view; outdoor; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; lived-in face; wrinkles; eye contact; traditional garment; headscarf; dupatta; headcovering; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; tribal portrait; travel portrait; tribal; Banjara; Hyderabad; Telangana, ethnic; one person; female; old woman; posing; authentic; incredible; exotic; awesome; Lambani; Indian woman; shawl over head; Indian gypsy; silver accessories; India; ethnic; Telangana

banjara; lambadi; gor; gormati; scheduled tribe; matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; face; chin tattoo; facial tattoo; tattoo; eyes; nose jewelry; jewelry; silver; expression; looking camera; hairstyle; traditional; clothing; headscarf; dupatta; consent; respect; concept; humanity; living; travel; culture; tradition; anthropology; ethnic; tribal; benaulim; goa; india; indian; gypsy; lamani; individual; one person; female; elderly; woman; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1,200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; portrait; headshot; closeup; three quarter view; color; colorful; smiling; cheerful; posing; fun

The nomadic desert gypsies of Rajasthan are one of the most colourful tribal communities in India. Their bright colours, piercing gaze, henna hands, stylish headscarves and traditional jewelry scream everything "gypsy", as they refer to themselves, and their traditional attire tells the long story of these people's history in the sand dunes of Rajasthan. The origin of the tribe dates several centuries back. The people of this Rajasthani tribe belong currently to the lowest step of India’s socio-cultural and socio-economic ladder. They live a nomadic life and travel as dancers and musicians like a caravan from place to place. There is no permanent residence for them. They sleep under the open sky some times and in the shade of trees...

Gypsy woman; Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; inspirational; vibrant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; street portrait; headshot; en face; outdoor; colourful; world cultures; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; headscarf; consent; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; travel; tribal portrait; India; one person; female; authentic; fascinating; emotion; adorable; sunset; warm light; Jaisalmer; Rajasthan; seductive; teeth; smiling; colourful veil; attractive; exotic; passionate; colourful headscarf; angelic; posing; fabulous; gorgeous; breathtaking; enticing; nose jewellery; drop earrings; necklace; traditional jewellery; beautiful; young woman

Gypsy woman; young woman; red lips; Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; outstanding; favourite; superior; excellent; inspirational; vibrant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; street portrait; headshot; outdoor; colourful; world cultures; real people; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; headscarf; consent; rapport; encounter; ethnic portrait; travel; tribal portrait; tradition; India; one person; female; authentic; fascinating; emotion; adorable; sunset; warm light; Jaisalmer; Rajasthan; seductive; sensual; almond eyes; colourful veil; attractive; exotic; exciting; soulful; passionate; incredible; colourful headscarf; angelic; posing; fabulous; beautiful; breathtaking; ethnic attire

green-eyed; ethnic attire; fill flash fired; built-in pop-up flash; silver jewellery; Gypsy woman; Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; inspirational; vibrant; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; street portrait; headshot; en face; outdoor; colourful; world cultures; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; headscarf; consent; rapport; respect; encounter; ethnic portrait; travel; tribal portrait; India; one person; female; authentic; fascinating; emotion; adorable; sunset; Jaisalmer; Rajasthan; smiling; colourful veil; attractive; exotic; passionate; colourful headscarf; angelic; posing; fabulous; gorgeous; breathtaking; enticing; nose jewellery; traditional jewellery; beautiful; mature woman

High-res portrait photographs with full exif data, precise geotags and technical details in Matt Hahnewald's

25 November 2018

Exploring Sikhism in Amritsar

A few years ago, I took portrait photographs of Thai diaspora Sikhs in Bangkok (blog post: Seeking Sikhs in Bangkok) and the photographed subjects told me about Sikhism in general and the Golden Temple in India.

The Golden Temple aka Sri Harmandir Sahib ("abode of god") is a gurdwara located in the city of Amritsar in the Indian state of Punjab. It is the holiest Sikh temple in the world and the most important pilgrimage site of Sikhism. It is open for all men and women, from all walks of life and faith. The temple has a square plan with four entrances and a circumambulation path around the pool. Thousands of people visit the holy shrine daily for worship; a free Sikh community run kitchen and dining hall, a langar, serves a simple vegetarian meal to all visitors who want it, regardless of faith, gender or economic background.

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; eyes; expression; looking camera; full beard; barechested; pink; dastar; turban; dagger; kirpan; consent; respect; living; culture; tradition; lifestyle; religion; religious; sikh; sikhism; follower; faith; khalsa; temple; holy pond; pond of nectar; sarovar; golden temple; sri harmandar sahib; tourist attraction; devotee; worshiper; amritsar; punjab; india; asia; asian; indian; punjabi; individual; one person; male; elderly; man; photo; detail; background; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; two third view; sideways glance; outdoor; sunlight; color; posing; iconic; manly

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; head; eyeglasses; teeth; expression; looking camera; smile; black; full beard; kesh; kara; bracelet; dastar; turban; body language; gesture; folding hands; consent; dedication; commitment; culture; tradition; lifestyle; religion; faith; khalsa; religious; traditional; cultural; holy; tourist attraction; temple; sikh; sikhism; devotee; follower; rehni; golden temple; sri harmandar sahib; worshiper; amritsar; punjab; india; indian; punjabi; two people; friends; male; young; man; photo; background; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; double portrait; half length; closeup; seven eighths view; three quarter view; outdoor; sunlight; color; posing camera; smiling

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; head; face; eyes; lipstick; expression; story; cell phone; smart phone; wristwatch; headscarf; dupatta; body language; both hands; selfie; self portrait; taking selfie; relationship; candid; concept; living; travel; tourism; culture; lifestyle; beauty; style; tourist attraction; temple; gurudwara; sikhism; photographer; tourist; golden temple; amritsar; punjab; india; asia; asian; indian; individual; one person; female; young; woman; photography; photo; background; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; half length; closeup; two third view; outdoor; sunlight; color; gold; authentic; smiling; beautiful; attractive; elegant; photographing; taking photo

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; head; face; eye makeup; beautiful eyes; lipstick; teeth; expression; looking camera; smile; full beard; blue; red; clothing; dastar; turban; headscarf; dupatta; consent; relationship; culture; tradition; love; happiness; beauty; style; cultural; devotee; golden temple; amritsar; punjab; india; indian; punjabi; sikh; sikhism; married; couple; female; male; adult; young; man; woman; photo; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; double portrait; half length; closeup; full face view; seven eighths view; outdoor; color; posing; smiling; beautiful; attractive; elegant; happy; manly; equality; community; dressed up; worship; gurdwara; temple

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; head; face; eyes; teeth; gold tooth; lipstick; expression; smile; looking camera; full beard; green; clothing; dastar; turban; headscarf; dupatta; sunglasses; relationship; humanity; culture; tradition; beauty; style; cultural; devotee; golden temple; amritsar; punjab; india; indian; punjabi; sikh; sikhism; two people; couple; married; female; male; adult; young; man; woman; photo; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; double portrait; half length; closeup; three quarter view; seven eighths view; outdoor; color; posing; smiling; beautiful; attractive; elegant; handsome; manly; equality; community; dressed up; worship; gurdwara; temple

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; head; face; makeup; eyes; children eyes; catchlights; lipstick; expression; looking camera; clothing; headscarf; dupatta; covering head; emotion; humanity; living; culture; tradition; lifestyle; love; happiness; beauty; religion; upbringing; childhood; affluence; style; religious; traditional; cultural; gurdwara; golden temple; devotee; motherhood; mother and child; amritsar; punjab; india; indian; punjabi; sikh; sikhism; two people; female; child; toddler; boy; woman; photo; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; double portrait; half length; closeup; full face view; red; outdoor; posing; cute; smiling mouth closed; smiling eyes; beautiful; elegant; classy; dressed up

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; eyes; eyebrows; expression; looking camera; beard; full beard; unshaved; turban; kesh; dastar; consent; respect; concept; humanity; living; dedication; commitment; travel; culture; tradition; religion; local; traditional; cultural; sikh; sikhism; photo shoot; devotee; amritsar; golden temple; punjab; india; asia; asian; punjabi; individual; one person; male; elderly; man; photo; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full face view; blue; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; follower; faith; khalsa

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; eyes; eyebrows; eyeglasses; expression; looking camera; beard; full beard; unshaved; turban; kesh; dastar; consent; respect; concept; humanity; living; dedication; commitment; travel; culture; tradition; religion; local; traditional; cultural; sikh; sikhism; photo shoot; devotee; amritsar; golden temple; punjab; india; asia; asian; punjabi; individual; one person; male; elderly; man; photo; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full face view; orange; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; follower; faith; khalsa

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; eyes; eyebrows; expression; looking camera; beard; full beard; unshaved; turban; kesh; dastar; consent; respect; concept; humanity; living; dedication; commitment; travel; culture; tradition; religion; local; traditional; cultural; sikh; sikhism; photo shoot; devotee; amritsar; golden temple; punjab; india; asia; asian; punjabi; individual; one person; male; old; man; photo; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full face view; red; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; follower; faith; khalsa

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; people; character; head; face; eyes; eyebrows; expression; looking camera; beard; full beard; unshaved; turban; kesh; dastar; uniform; consent; respect; concept; humanity; living; dedication; commitment; travel; culture; tradition; religion; local; traditional; cultural; sikh; sikhism; photo shoot; policeman; amritsar; golden temple; punjab; india; asia; asian; punjabi; individual; one person; male; elderly; man; photo; physiognomy; nikon D610; nikkor afs 85mm f1.8g; 85mm; 4 x 3 ratio; resized; 1200 x 900 pixels; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full face view; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; manly; faith; khalsa

High-res portrait photographs with full exif data, precise geotags and technical details in Matt Hahnewald's

05 August 2018

Doing a Background Check

Three components constitute an interesting street portrait: (a) an intriguing subject, (b) adequate lighting, and, last but not least, (c) the right background. Background matters! One thing that wrecks a street portrait is a cluttered background which will swallow up the subject and distract the viewer’s eye. It will also make the image look flat because the camera can’t capture the depth that the two eyes can. Therefore the photographer has to create sufficient visual depth by means of composition and subject/background separation. Most times, the right background for a strong, compelling image can be produced by slightly changing your perspective or blurring out a background.
There are two different types of background for street portraits, (i) meaningful and (ii) "meaningless" backgrounds.

(i) The meaningful background:

If one wants to photograph the subject in her or his (cultural, natural or work) environment make sure the background is equally as impressive as the subject, is part of the story, and adds value to the image. This is called an environmental portrait; the aperture could be f/5.6 or even higher (up to f/11 and more, depending on circumstances). If there is sky in the image, one want's to make sure the horizon does not cut through the head of the subject. Choosing the right camera position creates sufficient visual separation between the subject and the background which is essential to draw the viewer's eye to the subject.

Examples (i) - Environmental Portraits with Meaningful Background:

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50 mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; portraiture; street portrait; headshot; en face; front view; bokeh; colour red; outdoor; high noon sun; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human; human head; religious veil; human face; beautiful eyes; mouth; red lips; lipstick; makeup; traditional garment; shawl over head; facial expression; gesture; hands; consent; empathy; rapport; encounter; emotion; attitude; elegant; environmental portrait; ethnic portrait; tourism; travel portrait; travel destination; sightseeing; Taj Mahal; Agra; Uttar Pradesh; India; Islam; tradition; Indian woman; one person; female; adult; eye contact; posing; smiling; beautiful; incredible; gorgeous; fabulous; attractive; adorable

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; interesting; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; closeup; headshot; three-quarter view; depth of field; orange; outdoor; sunshine; colour; colourful; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; forehead; sandalwood paste; chandan; tilaka; human eyes; eyeglasses; facial expression; eye contact; moustache; stubbly beard; orange robe; priest; bareheaded; sikha; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; environmental portrait; travel; Hinduism; Brahmin; temple; Konark; Orissa; East India; Indian man; one person; male; posing; authentic; dignified; spiritual; horizontally challenged; Sun Temple

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; head; face; forehead; bindi; eyes; beautiful eyes; teeth; lips; lipstick; facial expression; eye contact; hair; long hair; hairstyle; green; dyed; fashion; consent; emotion; fun; travel; culture; lifestyle; beauty; religion; style; cultural; hindu; hinduism; thaipusam; festival; celebration; georgetown; penang; malaysia; asia; tamil; malaysian indian; asian; two people; female; young; woman; photography; image; photo; background; face perception; physiognomy; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; nifty fifty; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; head shot; three-quarter view; sideways glance; outdoor; color; colorful; posing; authentic; smiling; beautiful; attractive; charming

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; character; head; face; eyes; catchlights; eyebrows; laughing eyes; mouth; teeth; lips; lipstick; facial expression; eye contact; hair; hairstyle; food; chinese; restaurant; eatery; consent; fun; travel; culture; lifestyle; prosperity; abundance; vitality; traditional; cultural; celebration; chinese new year; chinatown; bangkok; thailand; thai; one person; female; adult; girl; young; woman; image; photo; background; face perception; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; head shot; full-face view; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; smiling; feeling good; thai smile; happy; pretty; cheerful; cooking; apron; duck; deep-fried; peking duck; cookee

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50 mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; portraiture; street portrait; headshot; en face; front view; outdoor; colour; world cultures; cultural; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; eyes; human mouth; hair; background; bareheaded; facial expression; consent; empathy; rapport; encounter; environmental portrait; Jaisalmer; Rajasthan; India; Jaisalmer Fort; tradition; Indian man; artist; art; Asian; one person; male; young adult; eye contact; skilled; elaborate; determined; focused; talented; handsome; attitude; posing; proud; painter

(ii) The "Meaningless" Background:

If the street portrait is about an interesting subject, then one can try to fully eliminate the background, making it about the subject and her or his facial features. There are three ways to do this:

  • (a) You blur the existing (cluttered) background by opening up to f/3.2 or even more (up to f/1.2 if you have a good lens) thus creating a nice, creamy bokeh.
  • (b1) You direct and position your subject in front of a clean, colourful or uniform structure (e.g. a brickwall, a painted wall, a green or flowering shrub, a wooden fence, a roller shutter).
  • (b2) You improvise and use any impromptu backdrop (e.g. an umbrella, a curtain, any large piece of clothing).

Examples (iia) - Blurred Background:

matt hahnewald; facing the world; picture; photography; photo; image; illustrative editorial; natural frame; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4x3 aspect ratio; horizontal orientation; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; full-face view; black; outdoors; color; real; human; head; bindi; face; eye makeup; eyes; eyelashes; eyebrows; talkative eyes; almond-shaped; eye contact; dust veil; veil; headscarf; secular veil; consent; empathy; tourism; travel; traveling; cultural; attractive; paltan bazaar; guwahati; assam; assamese; northeast india; indian; one person; female; beauty; adult; young; woman; posing; authentic; exotic; cheerful; captivating; charming; enthralling; fascinating; pretty; beautiful; bokeh

people; Chinese people; Chinese man; portrait; street portrait; headshot; South China; Guangxi province; Xingping; old man; Chinese beard; Li river; old fisherman; close up

street portrait; headshot; face; South Korea; Facing the World; people; person; closeup; black; East Asia; Jeju Island; Matt Hahnewald; haenyo; free diving; diving grandmother; diving mask; diving suit; seafood; woman free diver; turban shells; abalone; sea urchins; octopus; sea cucumber; tradition; wet; eye contact; eyes; Nikon DSLR D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; portrait

Examples (iib1) - Homogeneous Background:

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; character; head; face; forehead; tattoo; facial tattoo; eyes; laughing eyes; eyeglasses; nose; nose plug; chin; teeth; facial expression; eye contact; bareheaded; consent; emotion; fun; respect; travel; culture; cultural; custom; lifestyle; optimism; anthropology; ethnic; tribal; indigenous; native; minority; adivasi; rural; traditional; ziro; valley; village; arunachal pradesh; northeast india; india; asia; apatani; asian; indian; one person; female; adult; elderly; woman; image; picture; photo; backdrop; face perception; physiognomy; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; nifty fifty; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; head shot; full-face view; outdoor; color; posing; posing for camera; authentic; smiling; feeling good; positive; happy; cheerful; content; joyous

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; head; face; eyes; oriental eyes; lips; lipstick; beauty; student; college; facial expression; eye contact; hair; long hair; consent; emotion; culture; lifestyle; bomdila; arunachal pradesh; northeast india; india; eastern himalayas; asia; monpa; indian; asian; one person; female; adult; girl; teen; young; woman; image; picture; photo; backdrop; face perception; physiognomy; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; nifty fifty; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; head shot; full-face view; outdoor; color; posing; authentic; beautiful; attractive; sensual; angelic; captivating

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; amazing; spectacular; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; magnificent; breathtaking; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm lens; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; street; portraiture; portrait; closeup; headshot; three-quarter view; outdoor; colour; character; personality; real people; human head; human face; human eyes; mouth; teeth; lips; facial expression; eye contact; head jewellery; lipstick; red lips; bareheaded; consent; empathy; rapport; respect; encounter; environmental portrait; travel portrait; mosque; modern Muslima; young woman; Jama Masjid; Ahmedabad; Gujarat; India; one person; female; beauty; young adult; posing; authentic; smiling; beautiful; elegant; gorgeous; fabulous; attractive; soulful; adorable

Examples (iib2) - Impromptu Backdrops:

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; character; head; face; eyes; mouth; teeth; expression; looking at camera; hat; sun hat; straw hat; body language; gesture; hand; resting chin on hands gesture; consent; fun; optimism; umbrella; protection; sunshine; jewelry; coc ly; lao cai; northern; vietnam; vietnamese; asian; asia; individual; one person; female; adult; young; woman; image; photo; natural frame; backdrop; face perception; physiognomy; nikon d3100; prime lens; nikkor afs 50mm f1.8g; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; seven eighths view; blue; outdoor; color; vignette; posing for camera; smiling; beautiful; friendly; happy; cheerful; charming

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; real; basic; life; aesthetic; head; face; eyes; catchlights; oriental eyes; mouth; teeth; expression; looking at camera; long hair; tribal; attire; clothing; consent; humanity; travel; culture; tradition; lifestyle; optimism; ethnic; minority; hill tribe; traditional; cultural; market; shop; can cau; lao cai; northern; vietnam; asia; hmong; vietnamese; asian; individual; one person; female; girl; teen; image; photo; detail; backdrop; nikon d3100; nikkor afs 50mm f1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; headshot; seven eighths view; outdoor; color; colorful; posing for camera; smiling; beautiful; pretty; saturday

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; real; life; aesthetic; head; face; eyes; beautiful eyes; oriental eyes; mouth; lips; freckles; expression; looking camera; natural; hairstyle; top bun; fringe; bangs; consent; emotion; fun; travel; culture; lifestyle; beauty; arts; photo shoot; painter; artist; kathmandu; nepal; chinese; one person; female; adult; young; woman; photography; image; photo; backdrop; nikon d3100; nikkor afs 50mm f1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; closeup; head shot; full face view; outdoor; color; posing for camera; cool; cute; hot; authentic; beautiful; pretty; lovely; soulful; angelic; captivating; charming; classy; fabulous; smiling mouth closed; sexy

Background matters; an intriguing subject alone is not enough for an interesting street portrait. A piece of advice: find an interesting background and wait patiently for something to happen... Have fun!

High-res portrait photographs with full exif data, precise geotags and technical details in Matt Hahnewald's

25 May 2018

Finding the Right Camera Angle

The camera angle marks the specific location at which the camera is placed to take a head shot or a half-length portrait photograph. Any portrait may be shot from several camera angles (main directions: eye level, low angle, high angle) which will influence the viewer’s perception of the subject (point of view). This might lead to different interpretations, emotions, fantasies, assumptions and speculations about the subject. A neutral shot or eye-level shot minimizes the psychological effects on the viewer.

A low-angle shot is taken from below the subject (the lens is below the subject’s eyes) and has the power to make the subject look taller, stronger, more important, or more powerful, or even threatening. It makes the viewer of the portrait photograph feel the opposite (e.g. smaller, more vulnerable) and simulates the view that a child (or a pet) would have. A second, but non-psychological reason for low-angle shots is the practical inclusion of large background objects (e.g. buildings, mountains) into environmental portraits.

A high-angle shot is a shot in which the camera is physically higher than the subject (the lens is above the subject’s eyes) and is looking down upon the subject. The high angle shot can make the subject look smaller, weaker, more dependent, more humble or even more vulnerable. It makes the viewer of the portrait photograph feel the opposite (e.g. grander, more important). A second, rather common but non-psychological reason for (subtle) high-angle shots are elderly photographers with knee problems or knee pain... 

photo; portrait; Facing the World; Matt Hahnewald photography; artist; 50 mm prime lens; Nikon DSLR D3100; actor; costume; headgear; Indonesia; wayang wong; Surakarta; Sriwedari Theatre; Javanese dance; Mahabharata; wayang orang; Ramayana; dancer; posing; low-angle shot

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; Photoshop; modified; filter; pictorialization; tinted; night scope view; spectacular; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; interesting; dramatic effect; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; portraiture; street portrait; headshot; en face; front view; low-angle shot; outdoor; monochrome; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; uniform; beret; moustache; cap; hat; consent; rapport; encounter; travel portrait; travel destination; tradition; palace guard; watchdog; Bikaner; Rajasthan; India; one person; male; old man; posing; attitude; authentic; incredible; awesome; powerful; determined; on duty; watchful; alert; Junagarh Fort; security guard

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photography; photo; image; Photoshop; modified; filter; pictorialization; tinted; night scope view; spectacular; outstanding; fantastic; favourite; superior; excellent; interesting; dramatic effect; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; prime lens; 50mm; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; horizontal format; closeup; portrait; portraiture; street portrait; headshot; en face; front view; low-angle shot; outdoor; monochrome; character; personality; real people; human; human head; human face; human eyes; facial expression; eye contact; uniform; beret; shaved; cap; hat; consent; rapport; encounter; travel portrait; travel destination; tradition; palace guard; watchdog; Bikaner; Rajasthan; India; one person; male; young man; posing; attitude; authentic; incredible; awesome; powerful; determined; on duty; watchful; alert; Junagarh Fort; security guard

Matt Hahnewald; Facing the World; people; portrait; street portrait; Thailand; Buddhism; Buddhist monk; orange robe; shaved head; saffron robe; Theravada Buddhism; bhikkhu; temple; Bangkok; religion; culture; face

people; street portrait; triple portrait; young Tibetan monks; Tibetan Buddhism; Ladakh; Northern India; old Tibetan monk; young Tibetan monk; matt hahnewald photography; facing the world

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photo; image; closeup; street portrait; headshot; outdoor; world; cultures; cultural; one person; character; people; female; adult; ethnic; horizontal format; human; face; eyes; eye contact; photography; consent; empathy; rapport; portrait; portraiture; environmental portrait; ethnic portrait; travel portrait; travel destination; colour; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; posed; Julu; Manang District; Asia; South Asia; Nepal; Himalayas; Annapurna Circuit; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; trekking; colourful; en face; front view; Tibetan woman; old woman; villager; earrings; wrinkles; lived-in face

"It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view."
(George Eliot: Middlemarch)

people; street portrait; Thailand; Bangkok; floating market; Thai food; seafood; delicious; boat vendor; yummy snack; Taling Chan Floating Market; matt hahnewald photography; facing the world

people; street portrait; Thailand; Bangkok; floating market; Thai food; seafood; delicious; boat vendor; yummy snack; Taling Chan Floating Market; matt hahnewald photography; facing the world

people; street portrait; Thailand; Bangkok; floating market; Thai food; seafood; delicious; boat vendor; yummy snack; Taling Chan Floating Market; matt hahnewald photography; facing the world

"Photography is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality."
(Alfred Stieglitz)

Eye level is the most common point of view, being a real-world angle that we are all used to. It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. It is a fairly neutral shot that removes any hint of editorializing and instead simply presents the subject as it is in real-life.

In most cases, getting the lens to the eye level of the subject is the key for realistic headshots and half-length portraits - especially when photographing children...

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; real; live; head; face; eyes; catchlights; children eyes; chubby; facial expression; eye contact; headwrap; headscarf; body language; gesture; both hands; consent; emotion; fun; parental consent; travel; culture; lifestyle; upbringing; poor; ethnic; hill tribe; rural; market; coc ly; vietnam; asia; asian; vietnamese; hmong; one person; male; child; childhood; boy; young; little; small; image; photo; face perception; nikon d3100; nikkor af-s 50mm f/1.8g; prime lens; 50mm; 4x3; horizontal; street; portrait; half-length portrait; closeup; full-face view; outdoor; color; posing; cute; iconic; flag; teeshirt; awesome; incredible; patriotic; authentic; minority; north

Matt Hahnewald Photography; Facing the World; photo; image; closeup; street portrait; outdoor; world cultures; cultural; one person; character; people; male; child; boy; ethnic; human; face; eyes; eye contact; photography; consent; empathy; rapport; portrait; portraiture; teeth; smiling; book; reading; environmental portrait; ethnic portrait; travel portrait; travel destination; colour; 4 : 3 aspect ratio; posing; Pokhara; Lakeside; Asia; South Asia; Basundhara Park; Central Nepal; Newari temple; Kedareshwar Mahadev Mani Temple; Hinduism; Sanskrit student; devotee; Nikon D3100; Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G; colourful; en face; front view; young philosopher; Hindu; religion; tripundra; Shiva; looking at camera; horizontal format; headshot; ethnicity; vibhuti; Brahmin boy; sikha haircut; hairstyle; shorn; scalplock

matt hahnewald photography; facing the world; China; Beijing; people; street portrait; Chinese girl; Canon EOS 5D

High-res portrait photographs with complete exif data, geotags and technical details in Matt Hahnewald's